Oh my goodness, this was so lovely to read — I swear it was like reading my own thoughts, and it made me feel seen. I have a daughter who is almost 8 and sounds so very, very like yours that it’s almost eerie (literally, I could’ve written the exact same things about my M as you’ve written about your A!), and I’ve also experienced such a shift in the way I think about motherhood and life and the idea of “normal”, and I don’t know if it’s all because of my dear child, or just getting older, but I’m right there with you. Do you know about TiLT Parenting? It’s a podcast, mostly, where Debbie Reber interviews people who have interesting perspectives on kids who are “differently wired” and she’s also put out a book called “Differently Wired” that I *love* (and not just because I got to tell a little part of my and my daughter’s story in it.)